Have you ever been so deep in conversation that instead of being a good listener all you could think about was what you planned on saying next? Almost as though you’re planning your next move, or preparing for your turn to speak? Maybe I’m alone in this. Maybe not. Sometimes my mind races to the next minute rather than sitting still in the moment.
In Luke 21, Jesus is pulling back the curtain, so to speak, on what is to come. Some of the followers that were with Him would face great persecution for their faith in Jesus as the Messiah. He said to them in verse 12, “You will be dragged into synagogues and prisons, and you will stand trial before kings and governors because you are my followers." Can you imagine what your response may have been if you were one of the original hearers of this foretelling? Heavy indeed! Maybe you would start counting the cost?
Jesus is saying to us as believers that we will face persecution, rejection, divided families and friendships, and trials because of our commitment to Jesus. He goes on to encourage in the next breath: “But this will be your opportunity to tell them about me. So don’t worry in advance about how to answer the charges against you, for I will give you the right words and such wisdom that none of your opponents will be able to reply or refute you!"
So here it is… Jesus is saying don’t worry how to answer. When I read this, I think to myself “Sure, don’t worry how to answer. Got it. Don’t think ahead to your next move. Don’t try to get the last word. Got it. Sigh I know myself and … that’s not going to be easy.”
Jesus is promising that the Holy Spirit will give guidance in the moments that we face. He promises that the words He gives us will be right and full of wisdom… so much so that no one will be able to refute them! Why is it that I continue to try to think “one step ahead” of Jesus? Anyone else relate to that? I’ve spent hours on my knees asking Jesus for direction, revelations, His will, etc. Jesus is telling us in verse 13 that when we face trials, disagreements, broken hearts… this, my friend, is a joyful opportunity to tell people of Jesus. To know the very heart of God far outweighs preserving my own life.
The Holy Spirit will guide our words. The Creator of the Universe knows our next move before we can even plan it … and still loves us still. Be in the moment with Jesus. (Like we tell our teens in Ignite… be with the people you’re with i.e. unplug from your electronics!) Stand firm in your faith trusting in God’s kingdom come.
Don’t think, “If my Christian life only looked more like this or that, then Jesus would love me or guide me.” I encourage you to pray for more of Jesus this week. Pray for more of the Holy Spirit in your life. Seek Jesus before you plan your next move, sentence, or breath for that matter. I’m right there with you, family. I need the Holy Spirit to guide more than I need to be understood by those around me. I need Jesus more than I need my reputation to be intact. I need God’s love more and more every day.
Stand firm in your faith. Stand sure that the Holy Spirit can guide your next move. Kneel humbly before your God. Jesus faced unthinkable hardships just a few chapters later… yet He took the time to encourage us. Undeserved grace, indeed.
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